News of the Land

So yeah. About that nov­el. As many of mine do, this one topped out at 56K. I have not been able to hit the mag­i­cal 80K-and-read­i­ly-agentable mark in some time, so it's like­ly, with edits and addi­tions I have yet to enter, Comes the Flood will be around 60K, which will lim­it my sub­mis­sions strat­e­gy some­what. Still, I think it's a good book, or will be when I've pol­ished the shit off its heels. I fin­ished this nov­el in May. Since then the pandemic's got­ten worse, I spent a month in a par­tial hos­pi­tal­iza­tion and have slept the large part of those days in total with­draw­al mode. With­out the kids and Heather I don't know what I would have done. As a result, Tough fell behind and the lion's share of the read­ing load and all of the edit­ing fell to Tim Hen­nessy, to whom I am eter­nal­ly grate­ful. We're catch­ing up and back to posti­ing sto­ries, and will be adding three new staffers this week so we hope­ful­ly will nev­er have to take time off again.  I have a chap­book ten­ta­tive­ly due out begin­ning of the year and I'm tak­ing some time off from the nov­el to write some last poems for it. Here's hoping.

I keep buy­ing books as if I'm going to read them, and I just haven't been able to keep up my usu­al pace, even with poet­ry. I'm going to top off this year at about eighty. Plans for next year include more read­ing, 150 books read, two writ­ten and com­plet­ed nov­els, one of which will be the final book in the Ridgerun­ner tril­o­gy. I'm get­ting my first tat­too. I'm 51 in a month. I'm tired of fuck­ing around. Now if my brain just cooperates.


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