Two Poems by Lara Konesky

I was kind of think­ing i could kill you and let your ghost fuck me in the ass

i've vir­tu­al­ly seen you around here

com­ment­ing wit­ti­cisms and mak­ing me lol
i was kind of think­ing i could kill you

and let your ghost fuck me in the ass
i was kind of think­ing you could punch me back

i was kind of hop­ing you were free for the afternoon
some­time next year

or tomor­row

i'm going to pre­tend you love me, and that when you blind­fold me and toss me in your trunk

that you haven’t done that shit before.

I'm spe­cial to you.
i can just feel it

i would total­ly let you tit­ty fuck me

when i was in grad school i was nev­er fem­i­nist enough.

i didn't think fuck­ing was rape, and if i found a man i want­ed to fuck long enough and hard
enough i would take his last name

affec­tion is reckless

my dreams are so fond of you. your hands are huge and i want them wrapped around my neck so i have a good excuse as to why i have stopped breathing.

one time i got into an argu­ment with a girl about love.
she want­ed to know how did you know if it was real or a ver­sion of it and i said real­i­ty does not tit­ty fuck you like your last boyfriend and  ask where you want it to cum real­i­ty does not send mes­sages to human authors to record its words real­i­ty is only per­cep­tion and per­cep­tion is always skewed so it might not mat­ter if it is real or a ver­sion of it because no answer sat­is­fies the question

what was the ques­tion again

love is not a very polite house guest, it jerks off in your show­er, and it miss­es the toi­let seat, and it tries to fuck your sis­ter or mother

i like to pre­tend i am not wait­ing for your dick like that moth­er fuck­er who told me i am going to hell is wait­ing for the sec­ond com­ing but i am hang­ing onto the edge of my bed like i have far to fall

that chick was so pissed i said tit­ty fucking

i guess i say this all to say i love you

even human­ism got tired from the lack of magic.

i have nev­er been the great­est feminist

my legs just open when i hear your voice. it's kind of like the nat­ur­al law etch­ing itself into my thighs.

and i would total­ly let you tit­ty fuck me

Lara's first book, Next to Guns, can be found at www​.griev​ousjone​spress​.com (Griev­ous Jones Press, 2009). She recent­ly co-edit­ed and con­tributed to Blood at the Chelsea (Erbac­ce Press 2010), an anthol­o­gy of writ­ers writ­ing for oth­er writ­ers. You can also read Lara's work online and in print at New Aes­thet­ic, Gut­ter Elo­quence, Word Riot, Left Hand Wav­ing and var­i­ous oth­er rad places.
Email: larakonesky@​yahoo.​com

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2 Responses to Two Poems by Lara Konesky

  1. nadine ryan says:

    Two of my great pas­sions togeth­er at last!!!!

  2. Rusty says:

    My wife leaned over my shoul­der as I was cod­ing this thing, and said "these poems are total­ly your kind of poems. I had to agree.

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