Kesich vs Baker in Pennsylvania

This is grat­i­fy­ing to see, but Kesich doesn't rep­re­sent the typ­i­cal Miller­ton res­i­dent, either, many of whom I imag­ine will, like Steve Miller, take the mon­ey and run. And why wouldn't they?  To para­phrase my dad, these are most­ly life­long farm­ers and blue col­lar work­ers who are get­ting more mon­ey then they ever dreamed pos­si­ble. They can't not sell or lease their land.

Good luck, John.

This arti­cle is by Cheryl R Clarke from the Sun-Gazette:

WELLSBORO — John Kesich, a Green Par­ty mem­ber, offi­cial­ly has announced his can­di­da­cy for incum­bent Matthew E. Baker's seat as state rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the 68th District.

Kesich is wag­ing a write-in cam­paign in hopes of win­ning the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion. He also is encour­ag­ing Repub­li­cans to write him in as well.

Kesich, 55, is a retired sys­tem admin­is­tra­tor from New York Uni­ver­si­ty and has long opposed Baker's views on the gas drilling indus­try and the recent­ly passed nation­al health care reform bill.

"This is real­ly a ref­er­en­dum on how well Mr. Bak­er has done pro­tect­ing Penn­syl­va­nia from the neg­a­tive impacts of the cur­rent under-reg­u­lat­ed gas rush," Kesich said.

Kesich has been out­spo­ken in ques­tion­ing and crit­i­ciz­ing lack of prop­er reg­u­la­tion regard­ing Mar­cel­lus Shale since March 2009 and has been active with the Tio­ga Coun­ty group Cit­i­zens Con­cerned about Nat­ur­al Gas Drilling.

Accord­ing to Kesich, the state should stop issu­ing new per­mits until a com­pre­hen­sive harms-ben­e­fits analy­sis is com­plet­ed and steps are tak­en to ensure that indus­try pays all the costs of drilling rather than offload­ing them onto local res­i­dents. More.

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2 Responses to Kesich vs Baker in Pennsylvania

  1. Rusty says:

    Hmmm. I don't know the guy, but assumed it was a seri­ous chal­lenge. I hope some­one wins who will chal­lenge the sta­tus quo.

  2. Please don't endorse this man. He is a snake in the grass. He has stepped on my toes and those of oth­ers who are tru­ly work­ing against the drilling indus­try! I sug­gest that those who do not wish to write in Baker's name should write in their own. Kesich doesn't want the office, he just wants to send Bak­er a mes­sage. If many of us just write in our own names, then we'll be send­ing the same mes­sage, while not sup­port­ing this fake (and obvi­ous­ly very bored in his retire­ment) man, Kesich.

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