The Wiliiamsport Sun-Gazette on Marcellus Shale

Pro­tes­tors out­side the Penn-Wells Hotel, Wells­boro PA

Politicians propound challenge of gas growth is balancing fact, fiction

Cheryl Clark writes in the Sun-Gazette:

WELLSBORO, PA — As gas drilling pro­tes­tors staged a vig­il out­side, state and fed­er­al leg­is­la­tors spoke about that hot top­ic Thurs­day at the Tio­ga Coun­ty Devel­op­ment Corp.'s 14th annu­al Leg­isla­tive Break­fast at the Penn Wells Hotel.

The eco­nom­ic future of the area looks bright, com­pared to what it looked like a year ago when the sag­ging econ­o­my and mas­sive job loss­es took cen­ter stage, agreed U.S. Rep. Glenn "GT" Thomp­son, R‑Howard, and state Rep. Matthew E. Bak­er, R‑Wellsboro.

Before an audi­ence of 200, Thomp­son jok­ing­ly com­pared Tio­ga Coun­ty to Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

"You've man­aged to repli­cate the traf­fic in Wash­ing­ton, made it impos­si­ble to find a motel room and mobi­lized cit­i­zens with plac­ards protest­ing out front," he said, refer­ring to a group call­ing them­selves "Cit­i­zens Con­cerned About Nat­ur­al Gas Drilling." Their plac­ards told pass­ing motorists and pedes­tri­ans they are against the hydro frac­tur­ing process used by the gas industry.

Refer­ring to the Mar­cel­lus Shale, Thomp­son said, "It's right under­neath our feet. We are stand­ing on pros­per­i­ty. We've faced some tough eco­nom­ic times here in rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia, with high unem­ploy­ment and the tough times it brings, for some time."

With the dis­cov­ery of the sec­ond largest pool of nat­ur­al gas in the world, enough to pro­vide the ener­gy needs of the nation for the next 100 years, he said, "We can move toward ener­gy secu­ri­ty and independence."

You can find more info on a con­ve­nient page the paper's put up. Buy­er beware.

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3 Responses to The Wiliiamsport Sun-Gazette on Marcellus Shale

  1. You know it is fun­ny because Cheryl Clarke and the rest of the crew at the SG have been rather dili­gent in report­ing some of the small­er gas relat­ed sto­ries (like impor­tant Bor­ough and town­ship meet­ings). It was quite a sur­prise that the pho­to of the pro­test­ers was includ­ed, yet not a sin­gle quote. It's hard to tell where the SG stands because they (appear to) do some decent inves­tiga­tive report­ing, then fol­low it with pro­pa­gan­da filled fluff pieces (like this: http://​www​.sungazette​.com/​p​a​g​e​/​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​.​d​e​t​a​i​l​/​i​d​/​5​4​1​4​8​8​.​h​t​m​l​?​n​a​v​=​5​014)

    Did you see the OpEd reply to that arti­cle on North​Cen​tral​PA​.com?

    (titled, "Fair and bal­anced? Not lately.")–04-06_fair-and-balanced-not-lately

  2. Rusty says:

    Amaz­ing, isn't it? I don't know which is worse, the nine lone­ly pro­tes­tors or the mon­ey-blind remain­der of the pop­u­la­tion. Or the jour­nal­ists cov­er­ing this.

  3. wow, that's good jour­nal­ism. Nice to see the paper isn't biased in its report­ing of the sto­ry. Not a sin­gle pro­test­er quoted.

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