Writers Who Deserve More Attention I: Tim McLaurin

I mean, besides all of them. 🙂

I'd like to cre­ate a ware­house of links occa­sion­al­ly, ref­er­enc­ing writ­ers who may or may not be on your list of pop­u­lar or well-enough-known writ­ers, along with some small com­men­tary. When I do these, they'll be sub­ject to addi­tions and cor­rec­tions at var­i­ous points as I find more infor­ma­tion, and I'll let y'all know when I edit. Today's writer is Tim McLau­rin, a North Car­oli­na native with a few nov­els, two mem­oirs and one epic-length poem to his credit.

I dis­cov­ered his work by fol­low­ing the blurb trail from Har­ry Crews to Lar­ry Brown to McLau­rin. The first book I found was the mem­oir Keep­er of the Moon, prob­a­bly his best-known book, in which he described his dif­fi­cult child­hood as well as his adult expe­ri­ence in recov­ery from the mul­ti­ple myelo­ma which even­tu­al­ly killed him at age 48 in 2002. I'd read Crews' A Child­hood first, so I knew more or less what I could expect from McLau­rin. Poverty–hardscrabble poverty–and alco­holism, along with often-rap­tur­ous descip­tions of the nat­ur­al world, and con­sid­er­able atten­tion paid to the whys and where­for­es of fam­i­ly inter­ac­tion. The book remains in the enjoy­able though quo­tid­i­an realm until McLau­rin begins to detail his bat­tles with can­cer. I wish every­one who ever sent me a can­cer sto­ry would read this before send­ing it out again. It is a rock-hard rev­e­la­tion of a sto­ry, one you won't for­get soon. I rec­om­mend, besides Keep­er of the Moon, the fol­low­ing titles:

The Acorn Plan
The Riv­er Less Run
The Last Great Snake Show
Cured by Fire
Anoth­er Son of Man

Here's a small list of rel­e­vant links if you'd like to find out more about McLaurin:

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4 Responses to Writers Who Deserve More Attention I: Tim McLaurin

  1. Nic Schuck says:

    I real­ly enjoyed this post. Have not read McLau­rin yet and just came across his name in the Har­ry Crews bio. Excit­ed to dive into it.

  2. Stephen McNeill says:

    I had the plea­sure, no.…. the hon­or, of study­ing under Tim and then becom­ing his friend while tak­ing his class in fic­tion writ­ing at NC State. I was an old­er stu­dent from a trou­bled past, and that must have struck a chord with Tim. I asked to do an Inde­pen­dent Study with him in "Nov­el Writ­ing," and it was approved by the Eng­lish depart­ment, so over a semes­ter I wrote my first book. Tim was so sup­port­ive. God I miss you, man. I real­ly do. I nev­er sent the thing out for any­one to look at. Maybe one day I will. It will most def­i­nite­ly be ded­i­cat­ed to you.

  3. Carol McLaurin says:

    Thanks for help­ing to keep Tim's work alive. You may be inter­est­ed in an upcom­ing trib­ute to him in Pitts­boro NC. Come for a vis­it. Car­ol McLaurin

    Author Tim McLau­rin will be remem­bered in a sym­po­sium and con­cert on Sun­day, Novem­ber 7th. View­ing of Gary Hawkin’s “The Rough South” and rem­i­nis­cences with Clyde Edger­ton, Lee Smith, Hal Crowther, Jill McCorkle, Jake Mills, Bland Simp­son, Mar­vin Hunt, Jim Seay and a host of oth­ers. McLau­rin, who died from esophageal can­cer in 2002, was a beloved and col­or­ful fig­ure among North Carolina's lit­er­ary community.
    Novem­ber 7, 2010
    3:00 pm
    The Barn at Fear­ring­ton Vil­lage, Pitts­boro, NC

  4. Anonymous says:

    I've read all of Tim McLaurin's books and I love them all. I went to sev­er­al of his book read­ings in Chapel Hill. One of his books, Woodrow's Trum­pet, dis­turbed me so much that I asked Tim why he end­ed it like he did. He said, "that was the only way I could end it". I under­stand what he meant but when I fin­ished that book I stayed awake all night. I used to see Tim around town and he was an incred­i­bly warm, kind human being ALWAYS. The last time I saw Tim he was at the gro­cery store buy­ing sup­plies for a par­ty. When I spoke to him he told me his can­cer was back but he said that he wasn't wor­ried about it.…. then he invit­ed me to his par­ty. Bye, sweet Tim.….. you are missed.

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